miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

The best story of the dark knight

A tribute to the best Batman’s comic
The dark knight returns’

Batman the dark knight returns is a comic book released by Frank Miller in the year 1986.
This masterpiece is considerate the best Batman’s comic ever, and it was the final consecration of Batman as the more dark and legendary hero in comic’s history.
The best Batman’s comic here we go.

                           Structure of the work

Ø  Datum’s of the comic.
Ø  Batman.
Ø  The joker.
Ø  Dress and thoughts of Batman.
Ø  Dress and thoughts of The Joker.
Ø  Two faces.
Ø  James Gordon.
Ø  Alfred Pennyworth.
Ø  Gotham City.
Ø  First book.
Ø  Second book.
Ø  Third book.
Ø  Quarter book.
Ø  Conclusions.

            Commercial information

Batman: The dark knight returns.
Format: Limited series.
First edition: February to June of 1986.
Editorial: D.C Comics.
Frequency: Monthly.
Personages: Batman, Two Faces, The Joker, Superman, ‘The mutants’ Carrie (Robin) and Jim Gordon.
Hyphen by: Frank Miller
Draftsman: Frank Miller

‘Batman the dark knight returns’, is a graphic novel to manner of continuous series of Batman, published between February and June in the year 1986 for ‘D.C Comics’.
Is translated with two distinct names to the Spanish language: ‘El regreso del señor de la noche’ and ‘Batman el regreso del caballero oscuro’.
 This work consecrated to Frank Miller as star of the comics books in the Unites States and inspired for new violent Stories in the comics.

Frank Miller in the year 1982
Frank Miller now


Bob Kane and Bill Finger

Bob Kane was born in 1917 and died in 1998; he is the creator of our hero. Writer and draftsman of comics, began his work when managers of ‘D.C Comics’ later of the hit of Superman (who is in this comic), they saw the need of news heroes.
Bob Kane knew to Bill Finger in a party and in that place Kane offered to Finger a work as writer in the comic ‘Rusty and Clip Carson’.
Finger remember: He had an idea for a personage called ‘Batman’ and wanted whom I released the sketches. I went to the Kane’s office and had a drawing to many similarly to Superman, the drawing had a red meshes, with boots, without gloves and a small mask.
Too that drawing had two wings as the bats and down of the drawing a poster said ‘Batman’.
Finger said that offered more suggestions as a new mask and the cape for the personage, the gloves and without red parts. Gave to the mask the eyes in white for transmit a little mystery.
Finger said did give the name to the personage (Bruce Wayne), he wrote the first history of Batman, while who did the artistic labor was Kane.
The Batman’s character did not have superpowers, just a big intelligence and a big physical preparation.
Batman had too a history worthy of a novel, his city had the more
big criminal corruption (a city very dark).

His father’s (Thomas and Martha Wayne) were died and his infancy was very hard for him.
Batman reunited the characteristics in an era where the technology was very important because begins a era more scientific.
The city need a good name, Gotham city was the final name for a city full of criminal and injustice.

                                 BATMAN AND THE COMICS BOOKS


Batman number one.

His first apparition was on 27 may in ‘Detective comics’ in 1939, in the story ‘El extraño caso del sindicato quimico’.
From his introduction, the personage had too many acceptances for the people, till that had his comic book in 1940.


The concept and history of the Batman (his secrete identify) began to explore from the number 33 (November 1940) in a special edition at two pages, in that narration was informed the situation that went to Bruce Wayne, a millionaire playboy, to converted in Batman. Affect and frustrated for the die of his fathers, he decided pay face to the crime in Gotham for give end to the corruption.



Initially, Batman began to described as a singular fighter of the crime, but when his origin was explored in 1940, the story said that when Bruce and his father’s went to the cinema, his father were kill by Joe Chill (Year one comic), later  Bruce with desires of did justice in Gotham, began his training.
He was with Alfred (his butler and friend) spoke about a symbol for his fight, when a bat entered in the window, Bruce thought which maybe that most be his symbol.


                                    VIOLENT JUSTICE OF BATMAN


                     THE JOKER


The Joker (or El Guason), is a villain very important in the history of the comics, for some people the best character number 8 (empire magazine) and the 5 better for ‘wizard magazine’.
His creation is very confused, for some people the idea was of Jerry Robinson and get better for the Batman’s creator that deny Bob Kane until his death.
The Joker is a criminal’s genie with the clown’s appearance.
The more resents comics and the first’s comics can see the real Joker, crazy and evil men with a strange humor’s sense, clearly 
Abnormal, he torment innocent people and for him that is funny.
He does crimes so curious and brutally in humans, which in the batman’s worlds ‘just have sense for him’.

In the comic ‘Ark ham asylum’, and in the comic ‘The killing joke’ was explained the ‘Joker’s psycho’, is more just a crazy.
He has a super endow mind with a big intellectual. His brain received too many information and cannot stop that.
Summarizing, he has conscience about his actions, but this ‘super conscience’ does that his only form for protect himself is invent him every day.

 That is the reason this characters has several different styles through the comic´s book story.
His origin is narrated in the year 1988 in the comic ‘The killing joke’, wrote for Alan Moore, in that story, Moore took the case of the red hood, for said a possible Joker’s origin (The Joker admits does not remember his past and everyday says something different).

             Dress and thoughts of Batman

His dress was modified through of the years, things as new instruments in his belt, and distinct signs, was things that need change every day but the initial design is used in all his apparitions.
In his first apparition (1939) we have a Batman with a black dress and a black and white cape and a simple sign.


Later for the 50 and 60 years, the dress changed to aspect more dark, began the yellow sign and a cape without more colors.
As I said before the initial design never changed but, how is the initial design?
Ok in this dress was incorporated the mask with the characteristics for give mystery to the dress (the mask cover the Bruce’s face, just has the orifices for his eyes and the orifice for his mouth and nurse).

Something more is the belt, here the color of the belt was preserved and it’s aspect yellow and gold is very good designed in the comics and movies, because we see a instruments that appear give to Batman a unlimited abilities take into account that when Batman loses his energy in a fight, so his belt is his only help.

In the belt we see arms that change in proportion as the situation need, things as pumps for broke doors or walls, besides his boomerang a classic arm, among other instruments very sophisticates for specific situations.

Batman´s Thought

 Later of this I need speak about the Batman’s thoughts.
As I said before due to the death of his fathers, he decide became in Batman.
He had a mental training too, for understand the criminal’s mind, in that training he understand the more important ‘the criminals are cowardly and I just need know their objectives to stop that’.
For some people the bat is terrifying, for that Bruce decided use a bat as symbol.

In the comic ‘Batman year one’ was explained his thoughts and his origin, and here we see the real Batman’s mind, is not a crazy or a rebellious men, just seek the better for Gotham, used sometimes aggressive attitudes.


                 Dress and thoughts of The Joker

Now I go to speak about The Joker the most important villain in the Batman’s comics.
His dress is very original, the majority of times we see a purple dress with a white shirt, whit a funny necktie, a very simple dress but the original characteristic in his dress is not that, is his face.
His real face have not a specific origin, because sometimes was spoke about a men which use paintings in his face for that aspect, another theory is in the comic ‘The killing joke’, when The Joker fell in a chemical’s pot, after that he changed his face into a horrible appearance to the exterior, produced for the chemicals, in that moment The Joker remember his dead wife and the failure of the assault and he makes crazy.


The first theory was used in the movie ‘The dark knight’ and the second were used in the movie ‘Batman’ (1989).
But the characteristics which never changed is his ever smile, that smile had too different origins, in ‘The killing joke’ as we see the chemicals harmed his nerves and that gave the smile, a second theory was about his wife when she received strong’s harms in her face and for that The Joker decided did to himself a cuts for animate her.
For that situation The Joker invented his original phrase, why so serious?


One more thing is his green hair that never changed and is very important for his clown’s aspect The Joker use a card with his name and some funny picture for infuse terror in his victims.


But he has spoken too much about his sad life, maybe for that is his conduct.


In ‘The dark knight returns’ again The Joker is a crazy and bad men without a specific objective just fight again with Batman.
His thoughts for Batman is incomprehensible because he is so bad, but have not something specific to fight and did what he did.
For saying a possible definition, he just seek amusement in his acts and fight with his ‘another side’ Batman.

                         Two faces


        Is a villain from ‘D.C Comics’ who belongs to the Batman’s comics.
        His first apparition was in ‘Detective comics’ number 66 on august
        1942, was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.
His real history was wrote in the comic ‘The long Halloween’, in                    that
Comic Harvey Dent (his real name) began his labor as a new fiscal of Gotham.
From his labor as fiscal until his accident, we see a Harvey Dent passionate with the justice; he sought the best for Gotham.
He had a friendship with the commissioned James Gordon and through him knew to Batman. Later of the capture of Sal Maroni, Dent was who had that judge him, in that moment Maroni surprised to Dent with a ¡here! (Maroni called the attention of Dent with that shout), and threw a acid which deformed the Dent’s face.
Dent makes crazy maybe due to the acid, later he is converted in the villain Two Faces (maybe the frustration of his labor as ‘hero’ of Gotham influenced).
Later, Dent began his ‘work’ as archivillian of Batman and began too to kill people as revenge.

He uses a coin for decide the destiny of his victims, sometimes for declared to himself innocent respect to his acts. That is important because Dent suffer a crisis whit his personality, in ‘The long Halloween’, when Dent committed a crime, sometimes spoke about two criminals, but he is the second criminal.
His dress is similarly to his aspect because the left side of his dress is much deteriorated (that is too the side of the face that is deform).

                         James Gordon

 Is the honest police of Gotham, his first apparition was in ‘Detective comics’, on 27 may of 1939.
Due to the different adaptations, his real origin is not specific.
Is the more important allied of Batman, call him with the Bat sign it is a electric sign whit a bat, which reflect its light and its symbol in the sky.


                      Alfred Pennyworth

Is the majordomo and friend of Bruce and was the paternal figure of Bruce after his father’s die.
Alfred is who advice to Bruce respects his work as Batman takes the care of the bat cave and manages the Wayne mansion.


                                         Gotham City

Here is where the Batman’s adventures happen.
Batman did his labor as hero in New York more exactly in Manhattan.
Bill Finger was who thought in a specific city for Batman and all the personages in the comic. Its name from a nickname of New York.

Of the phrase ‘God damm’ was inspired the name, Bill Willidick expanded the history of Gotham, when spoke about a creature who sleep down Gotham and is who keeps cursed the city.
Gotham is a city very sophisticated, but also is full of criminals and corruption and another’s bad things.
Its structure is to base of edifices highs, in the center is the ‘Wayne tower’ and in the narrows is the ‘Ark ham asylum’ where arrive the criminals from Gotham.


Its criminal’s structure was explained in the comic ‘Batman year one’, in that comic appeared the big boss of the crime in Gotham, Carmine Falcone, who unfunded the panic in the people and had the control of Gotham.
As a conclusion, Gotham is a beautiful city, but very corrupt and full of crime where is a lot of good people are still there.

                      First book

The story begins when Frank Miller told to us how a day in his life he knew to the hero whom marveled him. That experience was very important because Frank Miller began all this way in the writing and development of the comic’s books, we can see the connection with us when thought in our favorite hero and how that fictitious character is part of your life.
Later we have the explanation about the idea of the comic, how was the process of creation from the beginning to the ending.
Is very funny how looks this fantastic spirit of Miller because the inspiration of the comic is very original, is not come from another’s ideas of comics books, also he presents a new villain or a sickness in the hero, the question is this. Miller went to fulfill his birthday number 30 but he thought that ‘in a little time I go to am greater that Batman’. That thought carry to Miller to create the idea of a Batman without his ever 29 years, in this idea Bruce has 50 years, did a man retired from his old life as Batman, moreover dominated for the pain of the death of Jason Todd ancient Robin.
Miller spoke too about his friends and allies in this work, Klaus Janson and Dick Giordano, the first whom collaborated with the drawings and the second whom recommended the idea of a girl Robin. Miller recognized theirs important function in this project.
Miller sampled his satisfaction for this work and opened the mind of all the fans and not fans of the comics books in this perfect work.

Plot: Bruce Wayne is in a car’s career competed basically to entertain him, we can see in 14 pictures the development of that competition, later a journalist speaks about the bin gang which attack to Gotham, in this newspaper the journalist speaks about the retirement of Jim Gordon as police’s commissioned due to his 70 years old, but coincidently in that day the journalist remember the final apparition of Batman which was to 10 years ago.
Later Jim and Bruce speak about the Jason’s death, Bruce remember to Jason and express pain for that (we need remember that when Jason died was in the comic ‘a death in the family’ by The Joker).
In that moment began his reconnection with his last life as Batman, he needs again to be hero, Bruce was thinking about that when he was surprised by two criminals, and remember the moments when he sought the justice but he was thinking in the revenge with his life as Batman.
In the Ark ham asylum the doctors Walper and Bartholomew announce the rehab of Harvey Dent and they decide leave him in liberty.
The commissioned Gordon citizens the decision but Bruce who is announced in the news defend to Harvey and give a cause to the people for trust in him with the reasoning ‘we need believe in that our privates demons can be defeat them’.
Bruce is in his mansion and dreamed the moment when he fell in the cave full of bats.
That remembrance carry to him to the bat cave where see the Robin’s dress, in that moment was surprised by Alfred and he abandon the cave (Here we can see the Batman’s instruments and the felling of Bruce when remember all his experience as Batman).

Meanwhile Harvey appears in the news and displays his coin without damages.
Bruce decide watch TV and he see some channel and appears the movie ‘The fox’s mask’, the movie which his father’s carry to him to look the night when they died, Bruce goes to turn the channel but thought is just a movie why not see it?
Bruce begins to remember all this about the his father’s die and change the channel but just see bad news about the disappear of some kids and the news of a storm, Bruce receives a call of Harvey who give the thanks to Bruce.
Bruce travels for him mansion and see something, a bat.
The gang called ‘the mutants’ begins again to attack to Gotham but someone impede theirs acts, the news told to the people that the disappear kids, they appears and they announce the action of a strange people as Dracula.
Two girls students travel for Gotham when wee surprised by a criminals but again someone save to them, that is Batman who returns.


He takes some criminals and demonstrates his power when say ‘these men’s are mines’.
Gordon knew the returns of Batman later that some cops spoke with Batman.
The student Carrie who was saved by Batman, look the bat sign, Batman attacks to some criminal and question him the acts of the mutants.
The Joker is in ‘Ark ham asylum’ and receive the proposition of create a bombs.
Batman goes to the place in where is the bat sign and sees to Gordon who told to him about the responsibility of Harvey Dent in that crime.
Batmen carry his rifle and see one helicopter and attempt lance a cord by the rifle to jump.
Batman is going stop the helicopter and see a bomb the which is going to be used to explode the twins towers of Gotham, on the another side is Harvey whom want 5 million dollars for not explode the bombs. Batman goes to the Harvey’s helicopter, Harvey fell with Batman they arrive to an edifice while Harvey sampled his real face, and Batman was seeing a bat in the window.

                              Second book

The story in this book begins when Gordon travel for Gotham, he remembers his live against the crime and thinks in Bruce, in that moment was attacked by a adolescent mutant, Gordon in his self defense kills to the criminal.
Later the Batman’s case returns to the mass media the mothers in Gotham arrange a meeting the mayor of Gotham for asking him that capture to Batman because Batman is bad influence for the kids, in the meantime Carrie, attempt convert her in Robin but without goods results.

A men of ‘the mutants’ gang announce that think kill to Gordon, while that is discussed who is going replaced to Gordon, in the police.
A kid is seized, Batman attacks to ‘the mutants’ and ransom to the kid.
People speaks about Batman, goods and bad opinions, in the news Lang long and the dr Bartholomew speaks about Batman and his acts, Long defends to Batman. Carrie goes to combat the crime.
Batman has a criminal in the twin’s tower of Gotham and question to the criminal how the mutants have their arms, Carrie begins her hero’s acts with a funny act Batman discover that ‘the mutants’ arms, were stolen and thinks in make something about that.
A reported who was killed by ‘The mutants’ gang, the news speaks about a suicide.
The question now is who is going to be the new police commissioned?
The mayor speaks with Gallagher whom has the people for the commissioned work; Batman goes in the batmovile for the mutants.
Elle Yindel is the new commissioned women of the police, Gordon in his house cannot believe that.
Batman attacks to the mutants in his batmovile and intimidates to them with strong’s attacks.
‘The mutants’ boss says to Batman, ¡cowardly! And he challenges him to fight.
Batman goes to fight with the mutant boss but see that now have not a big force as before, the mutant pity so much to Batman whom need some help and think in Dick (Robin) but Carrie save to Batman, in the news is informant about explosions in Gotham.
Carrie carries to Batman in the batmovile.
The news announces a big boos war in where were hurt 83 ¨mutants¨, the mutant boss says did conquered to Batman. Carrie

Now Robin help to Batman and together went to the bat cave.
In the Ark ham Asylum the Joker demonstrate a false felling of pain for his acts just for ask his liberty.
In the bat cave Bruce pushed himself to continue with his labor as Batman and thinks in back again and defeats to the ¨mutants ¨.
The chaos attacks to the Gotham’s residents, three people have died by a men disguise of Batman. The mayor goes to speaks with ¨the mutant’s boss¨, and then he kills the mayor.
Bruce is with Alfred speaks about Carrie and they decide work with her. Batman goes for ¨the mutants¨ and use to Carrie to throw off the track to ¨the mutants¨, call to Gordon whom decide pretend the liberty of ¨the mutants¨, who attempts escape by a tube but Batman surprises him and fight him.
Batman wins and finish to ¨the mutants¨, again the people speaks about the Batman’s acts, Gordon thinks in Bruce and their friendship, Bruce is quite in his mansion think in his Batman’s force.

                 Book number three

Someone calls to Bruce, a women attempt to assault a store, someone checks the case with a bottle in his hand, he says some worlds to provoke to the criminal, he attacks to one of the criminals, that men continue with his labor, Robin wound to one of the criminals too, the strange man is Bruce, whom detains to the boss criminal, the Batman’s case in the news back and now whit the new problem ¨ The Batman’s sons¨ who’s do for they self violent justice in Gotham, by this  situation Batman is considerate by the doctor Bartholomew Wolper  the responsible of their assassinations.
Gordon goes to present to Elle Yindel as new commissioned of Gotham, Batman speaks with Robin and told to her that never goes to cannot ignorant of him, his orders, Batman and Robin goes to some place to have more information about the crime but a bomb

Surprise them, the commissioned Yindel present an arrest order against at Batman, Batman saved to Robin from the explosion.
The Joker cannot sleep thinking about his liberty. The news speaks about the explosion in the freed own place in were where Batman and Robin were informed the Joker’s liberty.
Bruce and Clark Kent speaks about his returns as Batman and they say something about a fight someday between them.
Bruce ignorant to Alfred who informed him about the Bruce’s works, Superman returns.
Alfred goes for Robin to her university, The Joker goes for his way to the liberty and cops goes for Batman in a special operation.
Batman flung to the police, the police attack to Batman and he attack to them, with Robin’s help Batman escape from the police.
The Joker is presented to the people in Gotham but in the reunion kill some people with his sonriex gas.
Superman do things thought in Bruce and his returns as Batman.
The Joker attacks again , to Selina Kale (cat women) and wound her, Batman goes for Selina and save to her and goes for The Joker, later of escape of the police in the bat plane, Batman told to the commissioned that the governor is in danger.
After that The Joker appears in a park giving to the kid’s free candies but he intends to kill the people in that place with the candies.
Batman arrives to the place and fight with him, The Joker shoot to Batman and together star to fight as never, they arrives to the mirrors parlor and later of some shoots arrive to the lake, Robin meanwhile defeat the kids in the park.
The Joker fights with the purpose to finish with Batman, Batman tries hurt the Joker’s eyes, The Joker very hurt decide kill him, Batman finishes very hard too.   

                  Book number four

The police goes to the ¨tunnel of love¨ to seek to Batman and The Joker, the cops continue their way but a bomb surprise them after that, explosion happening and kill to The Joker.
Meanwhile Robin is in the roller coaster and she is looking by a journalist, Batman has problems with the police because cannot escape of them. Meanwhile the police attack to Robin, Batman attempt escape, luckily the lake’s roof fall and Batman escape, Robin lance a cord from her helicopter and save to Batman.
The news informs ate the Joker’s case and all these things in the park, Clark Kent sees that. So in the bat cave Robin and Alfred attempt help the Bruce’s health.
The Batman’s sons back again with theirs violent justice, the news inform ate that, when the president interrupt  the report for give the news about a skyrocket, that is going to explode, Superman goes to impede the explosion.
Gordon goes to the supermarket to buy something, when see the case produced by the sky rocket, the sky rocket change its path.
The electrics systems stop its function, Bruce know that Clark is the responsible of that.
Batman strikes and goes with Robin to his stables.
In the prison the chaos continue due to ¨the mutants¨, and in the Gotham’s street the people are desperate, the Batman’s sons attempt goes to save to Gotham but they listen a ¡no! by Batman.
Gordon goes for Sarah; Batman goes with his ¨army¨ to save to Gotham, ¨the mutants¨ escape of the prison.
When the explosion happens hurt to many to Superman who change his appearance.

People speak about the ¨Batman’s gang¨ and again the people defeat and critic to Batman.
Bruce is in his mansion and speaks with Robin when see a world of fire that says ¨where¨, Bruce says in crime alley.
The news informs about the closing of some streets close to crime alley.
Batman prepares his weapons to fight with Superman, Alfred and Robin in the bat mobile sees the case.
Superman sees to Batman, Batman shooting to superman and together fight with all their force.
Together fell the sad of the fight between them, Bruce now without his mask win the fight, but with his live, Alfred die too.
The news told to the people the real face of Batman, Bruce and everything related with him disappear.
But now ¡surprise!, Bruce escaped of his tomb, he never died, Clark smile.
Bruce speaks with his new friends about a work, hero’s work.

This is maybe the best Batman’s comic ever, because we can see something we have fallen in some Batman’s comic before.
That emotion of think in the more pure and honest hero: Batman.
I detach the Frank Miller’s work because is hard do something so perfect and personal as him.
Miller told to us by this comic his thought respect to Batman, he attempted and gained create not just a comic, a masterpiece admired by the comics critics and by the fans of the comics books.

Principal idea: Miller sought carry to the people a Batman without his ever youth (29 years), this time Bruce has 50 years, between 10 years without Batman.
 The Gotham’s order is worse than ever and with a gang called ¨the mutants¨.
Due to this bad moment Batman returns and makes justice with his force.
Later of some experiences happened the impossible a fight between Superman and Batman.
As we see before the Batman’s legacy stayed in Gotham.
Robin: Is detached the Robin’s appear, but now a girl Robin, a very good idea by Miller.
Attitudes: Again is easy see the Batman’s attitude, his aggressive and strong in the way to make justice, which looking for the best for the Gotham’s people without care anything.
The Joker’s attitude demonstrated his bad mind, his ignorance that as ever finished with bad results, is detached his evil in this comic.
Is strange see to Superman with envy’s felling toward Batman due to his back.
Stages: The dark side of Gotham was very significant, because is see how is the real Gotham.
The Miller’s drawings were a clear point of inspiration for another’s Gotham’s versions.
 Its edifications is very originals, because reflects a future Gotham as the comic need.
The mass media: Is easy identify that in Gotham the mass media were very import ants, they do that the Batman’s live was so hard and they motive to the people to think bad and god about Batman.
New things: ¨The mutants¨ gang, they were maybe just a novices group, but the responsible of the Batman’s returns.

Ethnology: Things as the bat mobile, the Batman’s cave, the Batman’s dress and another things demonstrate a very good advance to the epoch.

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